Through the Vortex: Classic Doctor Who
Through the Vortex: Classic Doctor Who
William Hartnell: Our First Doctor
Taking a moment to celebrate our First Doctor!
I will be discussing the Doctor's character arc in this period of the show, Hartnell's wonderful performance, the Companions that define the Doctor, and some of the later appearances of the First Doctor in Classic and New Who.
This one is extra long as an apology for missing last week!
Behind the Scenes: The First Doctor
We are going to close out this era by discussing An Adventure in Space and Time and the producers, directors, writers, and others who helped define this era of the show.
Monday, February 27th
Special thanks to Cathlyn "Happigal" Driscoll for providing the beautiful artwork for this podcast. You can view her work at https://www.happigal.com/
Do feel free to get in touch to share the love of all things Doctor Who: throughthevortexpodcast@gmail.com