Through the Vortex: Classic Doctor Who
Through the Vortex: Classic Doctor Who
Serial #28: The Smugglers
In a small coastal town in the 1600s, a priest is terrified for his life and confides a riddle to the Doctor that will reveal the secret to Pirate Avery's lost treasure. Soon, the Doctor is kidnapped, Ben and Polly are charged with murder, and smugglers, pretend-witches, and pirates all collide!
AKA Doctor Who and PIRATES!
BEN: Oh great! The way things are going there probably won't be a navy when I get back.
POLLY: Look, Ben, for the moment we're in the seventeenth century, somehow. We'll just have to like it and lump it. Here you are.
DOCTOR: Well, I'm afraid, my boy, we can't leave at the moment.
POLLY: What? But why not?
DOCTOR: Yes, well I know it's really difficult for both you to understand, but I'm under moral obligation.
BEN: Well, about what? We've got no ties here.
DOCTOR: No, but it's this village. I feel that I might be responsible for it's destruction, and therefore I must at least try and avoid this danger until Blake comes back.
BEN: Yeah, but you heard what Blake said. We wouldn't stand a chance against Pike's mob. They're a right bunch of yobbos.
POLLY: We wouldn't stand a chance.
DOCTOR: Ah, wouldn't we, my dear?
BEN: Well, what does that mean?
DOCTOR: Well, you seem to forget, young man, that I've already met Pike, and I know something that he doesn't. The clue to the treasure.
Top Ten Non-Monster Villains of the First Doctor Era
We are going to celebrate the great one-off villains of the First Doctor's era by counting down some of the best! No monsters or faceless hordes (so leaving off the Daleks--they got their own episode:-) but rather we are looking at the megalomaniacs, the schemers, and the scoundrels. Some are funny, some are scary, some are down-right devious, but all are unforgettable.
Special thanks to Cathlyn "Happigal" Driscoll for providing the beautiful artwork for this podcast. You can view her work at https://www.happigal.com/
Do feel free to get in touch to share the love of all things Doctor Who: throughthevortexpodcast@gmail.com