Through the Vortex: Classic Doctor Who

Celebrating Companions: Dodo Chaplet

Oh, Dodo....there was so much potential with this companion that was squandered. It often feels as if the writers just held her in contempt but didn't want to write her out of the story. And that's a shame. Dodo could have been an interesting companion if anyone had bothered figuring out her story. We are going to take a moment to celebrate the good parts and mourn what could have been.


Doctor Who's Third Season
We are going to take a look back at Doctor Who's revolutionary third season wherein the Doctor is firmly cemented as the hero of his own story and the Doctor/Companion roles are renegotiated in a lasting way.
Monday, December 26th (Happy Boxing Day!!)

Special thanks to Cathlyn "Happigal" Driscoll for providing the beautiful artwork for this podcast. You can view her work at

Do feel free to get in touch to share the love of all things Doctor Who: