Through the Vortex: Classic Doctor Who

New Who Review: The Power of the Doctor Part I

The Thirteenth Doctor's Regeneration Special and Doctor Who's tribute to BBC's centennial celebrations, this is definitely an event episode.

And dear goodness does it try to cram in a lot!

I had a lot of thoughts on "The Power of the Doctor." Clearly. This will be a three-part review. Part I is discussing the Classic Who elements of "Power," Part II will discuss the villains, and Part III will be looking at the Doctor and her companions.


CORRECTION: I mentioned that Ace was on the show for one season. This was a mistake; she is actually on for 2 seasons plus one episode (she enters in "Dragonfire" in Season 24  and is the companion for Seasons 25 and 26). Because Seasons 25 & 26 are shorter than other seasons on Classic Who, I often put them together in my brain. I still stand by Season 26 being pretty fantastic! Season 25 is great too--just a little more bonkers. The Seventh Doctor's first season (24) is written as if we are still in the Sixth Doctor's (insane) era and his second season (25) is when the show starts to find its footing for this very different Doctor.


New Who Review: The Power of the Doctor, Part II
This one will be focusing on The Master, the Master-Cybermen, and the Daleks
Monday, November 7th

Special thanks to Cathlyn "Happigal" Driscoll for providing the beautiful artwork for this podcast. You can view her work at

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