Through the Vortex: Classic Doctor Who
Through the Vortex: Classic Doctor Who
New Who Review: The Power of the Doctor Part II
We are back again! Continuing my thoughts on "The Power of the Doctor," Jodi Whittaker's regeneration special and Doctor Who's contribution to the BBC Centennial Celebrations, this time we are focusing on our dear Master, the Master-Cybermen, and the Daleks.
Some great ideas in here even if they are a bit too rushed to be fully explored.
Seriously....the Master as Rasputin. Gold.
New Who Review: The Power of the Doctor, Part III
The finale of this review that is longer than the episode! This one will focus in on the Thirteenth Doctor, Yaz, and her other companions. I will also touch upon the David Tennant Reveal.
Monday, November 14th
Special thanks to Cathlyn "Happigal" Driscoll for providing the beautiful artwork for this podcast. You can view her work at https://www.happigal.com/
Do feel free to get in touch to share the love of all things Doctor Who: throughthevortexpodcast@gmail.com